3 Quotes & Sayings By Teresa Jordan

Teresa Jordan is the author of the bestselling Heart to Heart series, which explores the emotional life of lesbian women. She is also the author of My Secret Life, a memoir about her life with breast cancer. Teresa has published numerous essays and reviews in various literary journals, including The Feminist Wire, Bay Windows, Next Magazine, and The Reading Emporium. She teaches workshops on writing and publishing for writers for non-profit organizations throughout the United States.

Most cowgirls are natural storytellers, their art honed by years of practice.. .. It serves as entertainment; it also preserves the humor and value of a unique way of life. Teresa Jordan
I once ran across a list of nearly 400 winds from around the world and wondered why Wyoming, so dominated by wind, has so few names for its variations.. .. There's the wind, the damned wind, and the goddamned wind. Teresa Jordan